
Innovating Mindset, Empowering People
Brunei Darussalam is aiming to transform and diversify the economy to
ensure its resilience and sustainability. The Borneo Bulletin Yearbook (BBYB)
2017 will highlight the initiatives that are geared towards empowering the
private sector, particularly the non-oil and gas sector, to play a bigger role
in driving the growth and diversification of the economy.
The content will feature key information about Brunei with special focus
on economy, infrastructure development, trade, primary resources and
tourism. One of the topics is entrepreneurship development that is expected
to complement the government’s role in creating jobs and business

BBYB 2017 will also feature the emergence of DARe (Darussalam
Enterprise), a statutory body that was established to nurture and support
local enterprises from start-up to growth. DARe is also active in providing
platforms to improve the business ecosystem in Brunei.

This comprehensive guide will highlight insights into the nation’s direction
for the economy. Topics will include initiatives to improve the ease of
doing business, as well as infrastructure, training and finance to assist
entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses and industries.

Top executives from the business sector, including banking and finance,
will provide their views on the new economic direction. BBYB 2017 will
also feature write-ups on companies that have grown under the business and
industrial ecosystem that is nurtured by the relevant authorities.
Published yearly since 1993, BBYB will continue to provide the latest
updates on Brunei’s economy, future development plans, investment
opportunities, latest names and designation of key government personnel,
and fast facts on Brunei (population, labour, import/export and GDP growth)
for years to come.

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